Issue Position: Education

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012

Americans hold in high regards the institution of education. Yet as a country, we have continually devalued and given so little to this institution. A good education is the foundation from which we build upon during the course of our life. Every child should have a quality education and every student who wishes to attend college, should have that opportunity available to them. It is in our best interest to reinvest in our future, in our children. Much needed resources should be made more accessible to our schools to improve the quality of education provided to our children. Educators play a direct role in our children's education. We need to continue to provide incentives and salaries that are more in line with what our teachers are contributing to society. We should make vocational and lifelong skills training a priority to ensure that all American workers can remain competitive in the global economy of tomorrow. As your representative in Congress, I will advocate legislation which improves the quality of education and provides for our educators and schools alike.
